
Beautiful Kingfishers and Cute Grebes in South Texas

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Last Sunday was my only really good day of photography when I probably got my best green kingfisher images. There were days when I got nothing, but that’s how it goes. There’s probably no species I enjoy photographing more than kingfishers. These unique birds are skittish, uncommon, and avoid humans. They frequent waterways in manyContinue Reading

Lots of Butterflies in South Texas Right Now

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I have spent four of the past six days trying to photograph Green Kingfishers at Sabal Palm Sanctuary in Brownsville. There have been some long waits but I have also had some success. Although the kingfishers eventually showed, there haven’t been many other birds. Instead of birds, I have seen a lot of insects, especiallyContinue Reading

Waiting for Green Kingfishers in South Texas

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It’s been overcast and windy lately, not the best conditions for photographing, especially macro photography. That said, the weather doesn’t stop me from venturing outside in search of subjects for the camera. Lately, the Green Kingfisher has been one of my main targets. These beautiful little kingfishers aren’t nearly as obvious as the much moreContinue Reading

A Young Bobcat and Other Animals from South Texas

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This past Friday, while I was waiting for Green Kingfishers to reveal themselves, I heard a shuffling noise in some nearby brush. From past experience, I knew that it’s worth it to investigate every sound and bit of movement when looking for wildlife photography opportunities in south Texas. Sometimes, you check out a sound andContinue Reading

Some Beautiful Insects from South Texas

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Insects? Beautiful? What?! This is the typical reaction from most people when “beautiful” and “insects” are used in the same sentence but honestly, if you take a close look, there are plenty of beautiful insects in southern Texas, and a lot of them are out there in the garden. Their small size makes it easyContinue Reading

Some March Marsh Birds from South Texas

Southern Texas has its fair share of hot, arid habitats but it also plays host to excellent wetlands. Marshes are particularly good for birds because there is always something to see and photograph. Unlike woodland birds, many of the marsh species come out into the open or will come to the edge of the marshContinue Reading Tagged With: , , , , ,